
How did you get started?

I was an all-league athlete in high school. When personal problems and injuries arose during those years it deleted any possibilities of a college sports scholarship. Fast forward during the years I gained 40- 50 pounds and became very out of shape. At 49 years of age I decided it was time to do something about it. I happened to run into a friend who had lost a 100 pounds cycling and he inspired me into cycling. I immediately was hooked. I lost the weight and ended up completing the Death Ride (139 mile ride with 15,000 feet of elevation gain) three times within the first four years of cycling and numerous century rides. When I turned 53 I decided to take swim lessons at the gym I was attending. When I was feeling comfortable somewhat after a few months, I registered for a local mini triathlon and immediately became addicted to the sport. The rest is history! Since then I’m a 11× Ironman finisher 8× 70.3 finisher and numerous sprint and olympic distances. Also a few Marathons and half marathons. I will be 62 this month.

What do you enjoy most about the sport?

The thing I like most about the sport besides how exercising makes me feel, is the camaraderie I have with the other athletes. I have met a lot of wonderful people and have made a lot of great friends.


Did you experience any challenges getting started at an older age?

There were no challenges sort of speak starting back up at a older age. From not being active and literally a couch potato for 30 years I was pretty much injury free. The first thing I noticed at an older age is how much longer it takes to recover from a long workout or race. Now I know why professional athletes retire at a fairly young age. I also noticed how much slower I run than when I was in high school. You definitely lose a few steps. But that’s alright. I enjoy what I’m doing and I race against myself. My goal now is to PR every race.

What benefits have you noticed?

The benefits that I have noticed are incredible! I feel 100% better physically and mentally. Ironman has giving me my life back. I feel like I’ve started back up from where I left off in high school. This second have of my life is much more exciting!


What are your goals?

When I first started competing in Ironmans I had only one goal in mind and that was to say I did an Ironman. I fell too much in love with the sport to stop there. I had seen pictures of Kona and watching the world Championships and it instantly gave me a desire to hopefully be able to do the Ironman there one day. Well thankfully through the legacy program I saw my chance to go to Kona one day if I could not qualify. Kona is now on my bucket list and has given me the strong drive and desire to continue training and doing Ironmans until my dream comes true competing in Kona!


This Post Has One Comment

  1. cheryl

    Good luck Kona qualifying..

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