How old are you?


Where do you live?

Aberystwyth, Wales



What is your history with sports and athletics?

From an early age I’ve always enjoyed swimming. I used to compete in swimming gala’s at a young age and I’ve continued to enjoy swimming. Four years ago in March 2016, I gave up smoking and started running.

What do you enjoy most about being an athlete?

I enjoy being part of the running community in my local area and have made a lot of friends through a running club I attend. My physical health has improved immensely since I started running. Now I have muscles in my legs that I never had before. Running helps my mental health and running makes me feel stronger physically and emotionally.

Have you experienced any challenges or obstacles?

I did marathon training at the start of this year. Sadly, the marathon was cancelled because of covid 19, but training for a marathon is challenging and it literally takes over your life.

What is your “why?”

I love the feeling running gives me. I can switch off from everything when I’m running while listening to music. I feel so good when I’m running and afterwards. I even enjoy the satisfaction after a tough hilly run. 

What is your favorite gear or training equipment?

I always wear Brooks running trainers. I like the stability they give my feet when I run.

What’s next?

In 2021, I hope that races are still on and I complete my first half-marathon sub-5 hours. My dream is to do an ultra marathon before or when I’m 50. 

Do you have any advice for someone interested in getting started?

I absolutely recommend anyone to start running. I started with Couch to 5K and I’ve never looked back. 

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Nia

    Well done Beth x

  2. Eleri Connor

    Awesome Bethan! You’re looking great too (as always)!

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