What is your history with sports and athletics?
Like all kids growing up in the 70s and 80s, I was always playing something outside with friends. I spent a lot of time in the pool but I was never on a swim team. I played organized hockey from age 6 to 15, then a year of Junior C at age 20. I always loved riding bicycles and playing road hockey.
I got started in triathlon at age 22 due to watching my late uncle complete one after a triple bypass and thought if he can do it, so can I. I was very successful and almost lead from start to finish in my first race, only to get passed by a veteran triathlete in the final mile of the run.

What do you enjoy most about being an athlete?
Triathlon has given me a purpose and despite my age, I am always trying to improve and through smart training have found that it is possible even into your 50s. I do enjoy the friendships that I’ve made especially with the older athletes I know with the same mindset. I do enjoy the training very much and hours of just me and my thoughts gives me peace that my busy mind needs.
There are many, many proud moments including being provincial champion, qualifying for worlds a few times at the 70.3 distance, completing a grueling Epic Dartmouth (IM distance race with a 1/2 distance run) on 4 weeks training, finishing two one year and three the next, qualifying for Boston many times, personal besting a 1/2 marathon (1.24 ) at age 48, and personal besting an IM swim (57.30) at age 52. But if I was to pick just one it would be tying a personal best of 4.30 at 70.3 Maine at age 51.

Have you experienced any challenges or obstacles?
Like any athlete that races for decades I’ve had my fair share of injuries, mostly running related but a few nasty bike crashes but age has made me patient so I know in time it’ll pass. My main obstacle is also my biggest gift. I’m a lobster fisherman and we work long hours through the winter and spring and it’s impossible to train during this time but I do get June to November off mostly (it takes months to prepare for the next season) and that allows me to train as desired.
I’ve been very fortunate to have a very understanding wife and children (now grown) who understood how I value my training time but we still did all the regular family things like travel and camping and I would squeeze in trading around their schedule. Recovery goes hand in hand with my job as you can’t fish and train so it gives my body a much needed break.

What is your “Why?”
My why is probably my lifelong search for perfection despite age. I am always looking to put that perfect race together. What keeps me going is having that competitive drive to do my best and see if I can defy age and keep my speed. Unfortunately the run has slipped a little but I am coming off my best season of swimming and biking to date.
What is your favorite training equipment or gear?
I would have to say as a child I fell in love with the bicycle from the first time I rode one. I had the training wheels off within hours, so my favorite piece of equipment is easily my Argon E 118 Next TT bike. After years of riding Cervelos this one was a game changer.

What’s next?
Really I’ve accomplished more than I ever expected to but my future goal in to qualify for Kona but the IM run has always been my Achilles heel. I’m qualified to run Boston in the future and had planned on finally giving it a go despite it taking place during our lobster season which is why I’ve never gone.
Any fun facts about yourself?
Me and my wife love to travel and have only done so over the last decade or so as putting our 2 boys through school was our main focus for a few years. We really love Europe and have been a few times.

Do you have any advice for someone interested in getting started?
For new triathletes my best advice is not to be overwhelmed with all the fancy equipment and clothing and think you need to spend a fortune. You are the most important part, the engine, all that other stuff can be helpful but not necessary to do well. Also for newbies just starting out, find a local veteran triathlete for help and ask lots of questions. There’s so much to learn doing three sports. My number one piece of advice is to not worry about what someone else is doing.
Any other comments or stories you’d like to share?
As far as other things, I’ve always been up for challenges that weren’t any official event but just personal challenges. I’ve ran a few 50ks just to see if I could do it, had a friend doing a 15.5 k swim for charity and decided last minute to swim it with her and just this summer did a 400k Zwift ride and a 300 irl in the same week just for a challenge and I am soon contemplating doing a 24 Zwift ride.