How old are you?: 54
Where do you live?: Yorkshire, England
What is your history with sports and athletics?: After breaking my neck playing rugby, I found solace in the gym. Unfortunately, the weight kept creeping up as the years ticked by despite millions of squats and curls. To concur with this time, I spent 18 months in leg pot – one knee reconstruction and two ruptured achilles. Obviously my weight spiraled. Not an ideal scenario for man pushing towards his fifties.

An event called Parkrun started in Britain (not sure if it jumped the pond yet). Basically it’s a timed 5k every Saturday morning. This captured my imagination to be able to run again after extreme muscle dystrophy. Fast forward two years and I am in a running club. Certainly not fast by any standards. Usually about in the middle on results.
What do you enjoy most about being an athlete?: Trebled my friends since running then duathlon and ultimately triathlon. I started a Facebook triathlon site which is nearly 300 strong within 18 months. Subsequently doubled my friends yet again. My phone is now never silent for long. And always somebody to run/ride/swim with now.
Have you experienced any challenges or obstacles?: Crickey, is this thread long enough! Broken neck doesn’t help my swim flexibility. Punctured my lung which never felt the same afterwards. Knees are crumbling from overuse and getting older. Recently the dreaded Covid has hit my already hampered lungs and effectively robbed me 30% of my pace.
What is your “why?”: Constantly battling with my weight. Running keeps the fight even for me. Injuries seem to appear thick and fast since hitting my fifties. Dust yourself down, ice, rest, and repair. Stopping and giving up, just isn’t an option.

What’s next?: A second half Ironman was planned this year with several Olympic and sprints, too.
Hoping to stay fit and healthy for as long as possible. Ultimate aim is to still be competing in my 70s.
Any fun facts about yourself?: Also like to smash my body a bit more by racing motorcycles lol.
Do you have any advice for someone interested in getting started?: Start slowly, seen way too many throw themselves into the sport and burnout within