Full body workouts involve training all of the major muscle groups in one session, two to three times per week. Split routines involve training 1-2 muscle groups per session, on different days of the week. Split routines are usually high in volume and frequency. Full body workouts tend to be low volume, high intensity and involve mostly compound exercises. Split routines are great for targeting specific muscle groups, to improve weak areas and increase muscle symmetry, but full body routines offer the best overall workout.
The full body workout has been gaining popularity in recent years, as the number of benefits is quickly outpacing the rationale of using split routines.
• Saves time.
• Compound exercises stimulate more muscles.
• Increased recovery time and less risk of overtraining.
• Releases more growth hormones than split training.
• Cardiovascular benefits.
• Burns more calories and increases metabolism.
• Better core development.
• Higher intensity and less fatigue.
• Training is consistent and often, ensuring continuous muscle growth.
• Great for both beginners and advanced individuals.
Here are a few important tips for full body workout routines:
• Aim for 1-2 exercises per muscle group.
• No more than three sets per exercise.
• Choose free weights over resistance machines.
• Use compound exercises.
• Each session should last 45 minutes to an hour.
• Rest at least a day between workouts.
• Change up the routine frequently (exercise, order, reps, etc.)