What is your history with sports and athletics?
As an overweight, middle-aged bored woman, I just suddenly had the urge to go out for a run one very cold and wintery January day in 2017. I just had a sudden desire to almost run away. I just kinda ran and never stopped. I began by running in the dark in the early hours of the day and away from commuter roads. Hidden. I believed I was too big to run. Too big, boobed and wobbly arsed to allow witness to what I was doing. And I wasn’t doing it to lose weight or change my body shape. I was doing it for me. It made me feel good.
Eventually as my fitness levels increased I forgot to run only in the dark and I stuck my middle finger up to the rude commuters who drove past me shouting out less than encouraging comments (there is a particular breed of people who hate to see a fatty better themselves).
By September, I had run my first Half Marathon (which I absolutely loved!!) and secured a charity place to run the London Marathon in April 2018.
What do you enjoy most about being an athlete?
I love the structure it gives to my days and the way it makes me feel strong and capable of anything as long as I put the work in.
For me it is now way beyond having the motivation to workout. It’s just part of me
For the first time in my life I am confident in my less-than-perfect skin and that is so liberating after years of such low self esteem.
The friends I have made and continue to make, are the absolute best and the people who get me the most. My life is so much richer for having these characters pushing and encouraging me.
My greatest accomplishment? That’s a tricky one, but currently stands as getting my marathon time down from 5:58 to 5.01 in 3 years. I’m still chipping away at that one

Have you experienced any challenges or obstacles?
I have a son with high functioning autism and initially it was tricky leaving him at home while I went out to run for hours on end. However, marathon training meant I had to let go of him a little and stop over-mothering. So I taught him to cook basic meals (spag bol kinda thing). He became more independent and is a regular runner now himself. Now aged 19 he has left home and is studying at university.
I work as a full-time teacher so time for me is limited but training is so important to me that I plan social events around what I need to do. Sometimes I feel selfish but I feel that at 50 years old I have a duty to myself to do what makes me feel alive.
What is your “why?”
I love feeling like a badass. I love people saying I’m crazy. I love hearing from others who say I’ve inspired them to start to run.
I taught myself to cycle in March during the lockdown in the UK and so, obviously (!) I’m now signed up with a triathlon coach (from Tri-Energy) with goals of a Full Ironman in 2022. This is thanks to the seeds planted by my marathon ‘sisters’ Karley, Natasha and Carolyn who are also embarking on this quest.
I have learnt that if the thought of a challenge makes my heartbeat faster and scares me that’s a good indicator that I need to say yes to it!!
What keeps me going???
The mantra ‘I haven’t come this far to only come this far.’
What is your favorite gear or training equipment?
My treadmill.
I was lucky enough that a friend gave me an old treadmill that was collecting dust in her garage the week before the UK went into covid lockdown—- and that has been a godsend!
Being a teacher working throughout this covid pandemic I’ve had to self-isolate a number of times. That treadmill has saved me! I always hated treadmills in the past but my coach gives me excellent speed workouts to do on it.
I’m by nature a very lazy runner who is happy to plod along. I wouldn’t do speed work outside without ‘cheating’ and slowing down. But you can’t do that on the treadmill can you?!! It’s also made me realize that I can keep pushing the pace and not give up.

What’s next?
I’m an aspiring triathlete who’s a little (more like a lot!!) terrified at the thought of competing in a triathlon!!
I’ve signed up for a standard distance event in May 2021 and half Ironman distance 3 weeks after. The ultimate goal that I am currently training most days for is a full Ironman in 2022. Yes it’ll be hard but I can do hard. 16.59 hours of discomfort and pain to be able to call myself an Ironman!! Too bloody right!!
Any fun facts about yourself?
I’m a special school teacher who works with children with the most complex of needs. Whenever I’ve completed a race I take my medal in for them to try on. My current dream is to include them in an adapted triathlon with finishers tee shirts and proper medals.
Do you have any advice for someone interested in getting started?
Focus on the little progresses you make. Decide what’s important to you (pace or distance) and don’t be swayed by others opinions.
I have a huge dislike of being asked for data and numbers from some people (how far did you run? What speed did you do??) so I just shrug my shoulders and say I don’t know (which is rubbish as I always know! But I’m only in competition with myself and not anyone else)
Also, if your knees are hurting, it’s 99.9% down to weak glutes!! Do your strengthening work and do not shy away from getting a good physiotherapist onboard (I have a running specialist and he’s been part of my ‘team’ since I signed up to my first marathon)
And lastly…you are worth it!
What a amazing inspirational story Jo, I have been a witness to your transformation into a true athlete 👏👏👏👏you are and always been a amazing person xx 😘
That’s so amazing Jo. Keep it up. 💕
Thank you xx a true friend who has supported me endlessly 🥰
Totally inspirational lady who I am proud to call a friend and have been privileged to run with!
You’ve come so far, and have so far to keep going! Almost feel inspired to go for a little run! Well done flower, I look forward to hearing of your next adventure.
Yes you must run!! Starting a little C25K group in Central Bristol in the spring so if you haven’t started to run come and join us!!!
that was truly inspiring jo very glad i know you