What is your history with sports and athletics?
I have never ever been good or interested in sports, even as a child, I dreaded physical education. I genuinely think we have an issue in the UK with the relationship between physical education and sport, particularly amongst girls. Teachers and providers need to rethink it to get and keep girls engaged. Sorry got off topic.
Anyway, always a larger child, larger teenager, until I reached 20 and I lost 3 stone (42 lbs), all with diet and no exercise…a yoyo dieter!
About 18 months ago, my weight got out of hand again. My clothing was not fitting and the latest diet was not working. My husband and I travel a lot and this time last year I was in Seattle USA and I couldn’t keep up, I was breathless. This made me rethink, is being fitter more important than my dress size and weight? I still ask myself the same question each day, but I’m slowly believing in myself that, yes, I’d rather be fitter, keep up, be healthier.
My goals are now……can I run 9km straight next time? Can I push my spin class to 30 minutes instead of 20 minutes? Much better targets than weight and dress size.

What do you enjoy most about being an athlete?
I don’t think of myself as one. I find it weird when I say I am a runner……I say I RUN. My aim is always to improve myself and not try and beat someone else. I like the feeling after a run or a spinning class, I focus on that feeling a lot when I don’t want to go. I have made lots of new Instagram contacts from this, but what I love is popping a little Instagram story on and family and friends cheer me on. I’ve inspired some, which is nice to hear. My biggest achievement so far would be my 8km run last week….longest I’ve ever run. I have a 10km race booked for November, too!
Have you experienced any challenges or obstacles?
Motivation. I struggle motivating myself particularly during the pandemic. I’ve struggled with my mental health a few times and have been really tearful. I do snap out of it, as I get to the point of forcing myself to go and visualizing that feeling you get after.
What is your “why?”
Why……for me this has to be about me, you have to care about yourself. But it’s also about getting older and keeping well and fit for as long as possible. Of course it’s still about my body shape, but I’m not sure I want to go into the next stage of sorting that yet…..strength and weights aren’t my bag….but maybe at some point because I know it needs doing.

What’s next?
I’ll never be a natural fitness queen or sports woman…..but I set little challenges like my 10km in November.
Any fun facts about yourself?
I used to be a slimming club (support group that encourages weight loss) leader!!
Do you have any advice for someone interested in getting started?
Do it for you. Keep looking for something you like (ish) doing. I like spinning and running is ok…..I hate the gym. Dont force yourself to do something because your friend does or you think that’s the answer. Loads of online stuff I’ve enjoyed, some of it free. But yourself some nice work out gear and trainers…..not stupid money though (I got a 30pound pair of trainers and a gym set from a supermarket range )but something you really like….I hated sports wear now I’m obsessed.