What is your history with sports and athletics?
My history with sport really began as a boy growing up on hand me down bikes and then graduating to racing locally on the BMX scene in the 1980’s. Surfed and did martial arts through my twenties. I discovered triathlon approximately 2001 and have not looked back. The spark of triathlon happened at the gym after a few friends challenged each other when some event entry forms were found lying by reception.

What do you enjoy most about being an athlete?
Always having a sporty side to me then triathlon has been a natural progression. It has numerous different elements beginning with the three sports of swim, bike, run. But supporting these there is the scheduling of the training around these different sessions required to get you in optimum shape. Then let’s not forget nutrition and sleep – sometimes taken for granted. But do so at your own peril. Ultimately I enjoy the process of getting myself into optimal mind, body and spirit for triathlon.

Have you experienced any challenges or obstacles?
Some years I’ve found myself losing the love and this is ok. I see it as my body and mind needing a break. My family doesn’t share the love of triathlon, but are mostly happy for Dad to disappear on his little escapes.

What is your “why?”
Why? Why Anything? I guess it’s the sense of fulfillment that the lifestyle of triathlon brings to my spirit and wellbeing. I’m not sure what I would do without triathlon, but I’m sure something would fill the need. As an active spirit I remain curious as to how I can improve my own situation and share this with the world around me.
What is your favorite gear or training equipment?
Favourite gear – currently it’s my trail running kit. Learning the process of going out for longer running sessions and planning nutrition, routes and poles! This kit would be closely followed by my Wahoo Kickr and Zwift – cycling virtual worlds and virtual group sessions in the snugg of my own basement.

What’s next?
What’s Next? I find myself still following a training loading program based on training peaks ATP leading up to The Roc Triathlon in May of 2021. It may or may not happen but I’ve come to realise the enjoyment of the process and not just the end goal. As part of the strength and conditioning element of the training program, and with gym’s being shut, I’ve found myself strolling into Callanetics – and must admit to having a soft spot for David Goggins 😉

Any fun facts about yourself?
As for fun facts about myself you might have to ask my wife and teenage daughters. I find fun in the weirdest of situations apparently. Give me running a coastal path in a storm and I’m made up.
Do you have any advice for someone interested in getting started?
Don’t get too hung up on self! Triathlon and sport can open up an opportunity to meet so many positive and enriching people.

Any other comments or stories you’d like to share?
Lastly to reflect on my near twenty years of my triathlon journey. I’m now fifty years old and still full of love and passion for sport and the people and experiences that it has brought into my life. There’s no stopping me from continuing to evolve 🙂