Melissa Roberts
Instagram: meltri789

How old are you?: 47
Where do you live?: North Carolina
Instagram: meltri789
What is your history with sports and athletics? I was never an “athlete”. I always told people, I will never be a runner or a singer. One night, while talking to my husband, he “challenged” me to run a Turkey Trot in 2008. I had 6 weeks to train for it. I showed up in yoga pants, sweatshirt and a scarf. I ran/walked it and cried when I finished it, I was so happy! I never stopped running after that. In 2014, I wanted to learn how to swim, I was 40 and didn’t know how to swim and was scared to even sit on the bottom of the pool. I could stand in a pool just fine! So I signed up for a Super Spring Triathlon to force myself to learn how to swim. That first tri was ugly, but again, I was hooked. I joined a team, followed training plans and have done six 70.3 triathlons to date.

What do you enjoy most about being an athlete? After leaving work and staying home with the kids, triathlon has given me a daily purpose, if you will. I love being a wife and mom, but you need more. I have met many new people and have the best girlfriends through triathlon and our team. You can meet anyone affiliated with this sport and become instant friends. I have pushed myself physically, and still doing it, more than I ever have. My first 70.3 was the biggest challenge mentally, but I know now I can mentally push myself through the wall to get to the other side in all aspects of life. My proudest accomplishment to date, is winning my AG last August at a race where my alarm didn’t go off. I was behind getting my stuff in transition and felt out of sorts the whole race, but pushed to do my best and focus, and boom, won my AG.
Have you experienced any challenges or obstacles? I got injured last year and I’m still working on healing and getting better, but not running or biking for 8 weeks was torture! It made me appreciate being able to run and bike while healthy now. I am blessed that I have a supportive family for my sport, it makes it that much better to be able to train and race.

What is your “why?” I am driven by still seeing how far I can push myself in this sport. I want to keep going until I know that’s it. I have a group of ladies and coach who we all push together and are super supportive of one another. Knowing my husband is supporting me, I want to make him proud (so that all this time away and money I spend is worth it- lol)

What’s next? Still on the road to recovery, but getting back to where I was fitness wise. Long term goal is to win a race (local) and to get faster at the 70.3 distance.
Any fun facts about yourself? I am an identical twin (no she doesn’t do this crazy sport). I am currently the president of our local tri team, Triad Tri Team in Greensbooro, NC.
Any other comments or stories you’d like to share? I love the tri community, online, in person, at races. Most everyone is so kind, generous and supportive. I try to encourage more people to get out of their comfort zones and just “tri” it. The sense of accomplishment is very rewarding!