How old are you?
Where do you live?
Mesa, Arizona

What is your history with sports and athletics?
Going back 41 years ago when I enlisted in the Marine Corps and stepped off the green bus and onto the famous iconic yellow footprints — that’s where I get my mental toughness and discipline!
Going back to my Marine Corps days I have a love-hate relationship with running!
It’s wasn’t until after receiving my Honorable Discharge from the Marine Corps that I developed an excellent relationship with running!
Along with running I’ve always been enthusiastic about working out at the gym as well.
What do you enjoy most about being an athlete?
The ability to step outside of my comfort zone and go for a run and then immediately go to the gym and do my workout. I’ve always been self-motivated!
Have you experienced any challenges or obstacles?
Yes, I’m also a 19 year blood cancer survivor!
I was diagnosed with Stage IV Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma also known as Hodgkin’s Disease.

What is your “why?”
I often find myself saying, “why me?” I was diagnosed with two different debilitating diseases. 27 months ago I was diagnosed with Advance Congestive (CHF) (heart failure and enlarged heart).
Along the way, I was also diagnosed with Cardiac Amyloidosis (stiff heart syndrome) level 1 and damaged kidneys.
Advance (CHF) And Cardiac Amyloidosis level 1 are two different debilitating diseases. Cardiac Amyloidosis is also known as AL or Amy.
When it comes to being diagnosed with AL there are 4 different levels I was diagnosed with AL level 1.
The reason I’m saying this is that my immediate family have all died at an early age
My Dad died of a heart attack at the age of 55.
My Mom died of complications to diabetes at the age of 59.
My Sister suffered a stroke at the age of 44 and died three years later at a nursing home.
Too many of my family and friends don’t have the the mental toughness and discipline to fight back from adversity. However, I do have love and respect for my family and friends.
Now going back to “why” I was diagnosed with two different debilitating diseases, but I have mental toughness and discipline.
Through all my trials and tribulations, I realize I’m facing adversity head on, but I know I will conquer and prevail.

What is your favorite training gear or equipment?
My elliptical I use on a daily basis and my Fitbit Versa 2.
What’s next?
At some point I’m scheduled for open heart surgery. My cardiologist will surgically implant an LVAD in my chest
An LVAD is a Left Ventricular Assist Device, which is a bridge to heart transplant.

Any fun facts about yourself?
I never give up on life!
Do you have any advice for someone interested in getting started?
Yes, never give up on your fitness goals. Take it one day at a time to accomplish your fitness goals!
Any other comments or stories you’d like to share?
I’ve been very adamant about physical fitness and proper nutrition! To accomplish anything in life one needs to step out of your comfort zone!