What is your history with sports and athletics?
I played baseball as a kid and in school. I raced motorcycles, swam and surfed.
What do you enjoy most about being an athlete?
I enjoy group rides and group swims. I love the camaraderie and the “pack” mentality to push harder, take turns leading and leave no one behind. I also love the solitary peacefulness of running by myself or with my dog, Barkley. (He’s a great running partner…doesn’t talk too much)

Have you experienced any challenges or obstacles?
Cold weather is a challenge for me. I was born and raised in California, so learning to cope with winters in Kansas has been tough. My son Chris, a fellow Ironman and great cyclist, reminds me to “suck it up and get out there!”

What is your “why?”
Around age 50, I noticed my clothes were fitting a little tighter, my stamina and endurance wasn’t what it used to be, and I had a hard time keeping up with my granddaughter. So I started exercising, and it kind of snowballed from there. Now, I exercise six days a week, even while not training for an event. And the events I do often involve family. Kids and grandkids competing together makes for great memories!

What is your favorite gear or training equipment?
A pair of running shoes. I love my bike, and I love my swim gear, but my shoes take my head to wonderful places.
What’s next?
My next big race is Ironman Cozumel. It was the site of my first full Ironman on the day of my 60th birthday. I plan to have a couple of sprint distance and a half Ironman before IMCOZ in November, with plenty of training and family time in between.
Any fun facts about yourself?
None whatsoever! Unlike most of the incredible people on your site, I’m absolutely a normal, average guy. I’m amazed and inspired by Matt Russell, Sika Henry, Barb Klotzbach, Jorge Garcia, Angela Wint and Chris Nikic. They have all overcome major obstacles and excel without complaint.
Oh wait! I can juggle.
Do you have any advice for someone interested in getting started?
Put one foot in front of the other. I remember when I couldn’t run the 3/4 mile to the end of our road. I kept after it, and I improved. I ran my first 5K on New Year’s Day in 2006, and was elated! I never thought I could run a 10K, but I did that, too.
I completed twelve sprint triathlons in one year, but I was puzzled by the long distance races. I was amazed at the people that had completed an Ironman distance race, and my goal was to finish an Ironman 70.3. I did that, too. Now, I have completed six Ironman races and have signed up for number seven. Be brave. Don’t limit yourself. If you need a hand, look at the end of your arm. You ARE stronger than you think!

Any other comments or stories you’d like to share?
I have tons of race stories, but my favorite was from Ironman 70.3 Texas. The swim was pretty cold and choppy that day, but I finished and came out of the water next to a challenged athlete who was an amputee. Course workers immediately came and tried to help him out of the water. He said, “I’m good. Those people over there look like they need assistance.” He, like Chris Nikic, was just another athlete that day.
So proud of the athlete you have become, but it only speaks as to the type of man you are. I am so happy you and mom married, and for you being such a great grandpa to Haylee and all the other grandkids! You are an inspiration to all!