My name is Ronny. I am 43 years old and I live in Sweden. This is the story of how cycling changed my life…
I was born with two clubfeet and have undergone surgery 23 times since I was born. I have never been able to stand, walk or run without experiencing incredible pain. My most recent operation was in 2017. For two years it seemed to have been successful, but in recent months, the pain in the right foot has started to come back. So 2 months ago we took out all the screws, So now we see if that helps or not. If not, the next step will be another operation. We have also discussed the possibility of amputation in the future, but whether that will happen now or at a later stage, we will see.
Not being able to move much, gaining weight was pretty easy, and in April 2016, I weighed in at 121 kg (nearly 270 lb). I did not like what I saw in the mirror, so I thought to myself: “I have to do something, because I can’t look like this anymore.” I was ashamed of how I looked and I had no strength in my body.

But how should I go about it?
I can’t walk, I can’t run… There were too many “I can’t”. Just when I thought I’d exhausted all possibilities, I came up with the idea that I could maybe try and ride a bike.
I first started cycling in April 2016 on my old bike, A 10-year old, three-speed men’s bike. I rode 800 km (500 miles) on it. Then I got the opportunity to buy a racer from a friend and that’s when I really fell in love with cycling. And no matter how much I rode, it didn’t hurt my feet. Around about the same time, I began to think a little more about what I ate: I started having smaller portions and I put more vegetables on my plate; no huge sacrifices, but I thought a little more carefully about what I was feeding my body.

The bike rides became longer and longer and the kilos started to drop and after only seven months on the bike and around 4,000km (2,500 miles) I realized that I’d lost 30 kg (66 lb) in weight. I cycle around 6 to 8 hours a week around 200 km (125 miles), Last year, I cycled over 6,000 km (3,750 miles) outdoors. I have now been cycling for 5 years and am up at 600 rides and almost 23,000 km (over 14,000 miles).

Last year I cycled my first Vätternrundan (the world’s largest recreational bike ride, which is 300 km – 175 miles). I felt incredibly nervous when I was on the starting line, but as soon as I started pedaling, the nerves left me and the adrenalin kicked in. If I were to try and describe that experience in a few words, I can only say that it was absolutely magical and the most fun thing I have ever done in my life. I will definitely cycle it again – I really enjoyed my ride around the lake (Editor’s note: Lake Vättern is Sweden’s second largest lake) and cycled the entire race with a smile on my face. It was an incredible experience and fortunately, when I reached the finish line, my feet weren’t hurting.
Thanks to cycling, I have had the good fortune to meet a lot of wonderful people and companies who have really helped me in different ways. One company that stands out for their support is Stolen Goat. A few weeks ago they did something completely incredible…

Then they named a jersey after me! In their latest collection, It feels incredibly big and I am incredibly proud to be a part of their story. So now you can buy a Ronny jersey on their website and it feels very unreal but at the same time incredibly fun and Im incredibly proud of it.

Thanks to all on SG HQ and the entire Herd for your incredible support
. You are awesome 

Unfortunately, the most painful moment of my life occurred this year when my beloved mother passed away, far too soon. My mother was everything to me and she was also my biggest fan when it came to my life change and cycling, so for me, it was obvious that I would try to cycle for 24 hours in a row to honor her memory and to try and raise money for the Heart Foundation. Swedish Heart-Lung Foundation Regrettably, after 16 hours of cycling and 348 km, I had to give up my attempt, when problems with a shoulder meant that I could not hold the handlebars anymore. I think mom would have been proud of my effort and I am touched and very grateful for everyone’s generous donations, which totaled an incredible 1,800 US dollars. Next year I will again try to cycle for 24 hours and will start a new fundraiser for another purpose.

I will try to summarize in a few words what cycling means to me.
Cycling gives me an incredible freedom which I have never had before. It becomes like a drug I just want to get out on the road, because once I’m on the road, I feel so good and peaceful and relaxed.
Cycling has become a refuge from the pain because it doesn’t matter how long or how hard I ride – I never get any pain in my feet from cycling.
Cycling has become an incredibly important part of my life and I quite simply can’t see a life without cycling.

I no longer have to cycle to lose weight; now I just cycle to live.
At some point in the future I will get a gravel bike ore a mtb so I can ride longer in the season 

If someone like me – a near-sighted, handicapped, overweight, dyslexic – can change my life, anyone can.
But you have to do it yourself, because no one will do it for you.
My journey continues…