What is your history with sports and athletics?
I was never into sports when I was young. I started doing classes at the YMCA in my early 40’s, then started doing 5K races, advanced to 10Ks, Half marathons, 25Ks and full marathons. I decided to dabble in triathlon and it started much the same as running. Sprint, Olympic, half Ironman to full Ironman.
I got started because I was really obese. I am 5’7″ and I was 275 pounds. I was horrified when I went to an amusement park and couldn’t fit into a ride. I decided at 42 years old something needed to change. I joined the gym and eventually a local running group, which led to a complete life change.

What do you enjoy most about being an athlete?
I really enjoy the journey. I have made some of the best friends in my life. It was interesting because during my transformation, I actually lost most of my friends. People were uncomfortable being around me while I was making different life choices.
When I joined a training group at Fleet Feet, I met my people. They were all so encouraging and had the same mindset. Being with them pushed me to do so many things that I didn’t think were even possible. It completely changed my entire existence in a very positive way. My biggest accomplishment is really completing every race, but finishing my full Ironman was huge.
Have you experienced any challenges or obstacles?
I have had a few struggles. I had the new runner aches and pains with IT band issues, battled arthritis in my feet and two shoulder surgeries and the worst, plantar fasciitis. I figured out quickly how to remain in shape and still do my best to stay in good health.
As my workouts got longer and harder while I was training for a full Ironman, it was tough on my family. Most didn’t understand and I got a lot of grief about being late for dinner or falling asleep before dinner. I was made to feel pretty guilty a lot. My family was there at my first major finish at the CDA 70.3 and they finally got it. They understood what I went through and how amazing it was. It made it all worth it and now they are my biggest cheerleaders and actually get on me if they see me slacking a bit.

What is your “why?”
What drives me is the sheer joy I get out of it. Some days are hard and it feels like I want to toss my bike over a hill and never look back. But I love the accomplishment, how it makes me feel to do hard things. The friends I have made and the thrill of the finish. There is such a huge sense of accomplishment at this age. I love how fit I feel; I may not be all muscle and crazy thin, but I can run circles around younger people and I love that.
What is your favorite gear or training equipment?
I currently wear Mizuno Horizon stability running shoes for long distance and On Cloud Flyer for shorter runs. I actually like my old CycleOps trainer that is not a smart trainer. I have a smart trainer but I prefer it old school.
What’s next?
I am currently training for Penticton full Ironman, hoping that happens if the vaccine works. I’m a little worried if we can’t travel to Canada, so it makes motivation a little difficult. Then 3 weeks later, Maple Valley 70.3! My short term goal is trying to stay fit while gyms are closed.
Any fun facts about yourself?
Fun fact about me.. I have a Ducktorate degree from Disney University. I worked as a zookeeper at the Phoenix Zoo, too! I love this sport so much, I now work at the same Fleet Feet that got this started for me; I love helping people get started just like they did for me.
Do you have any advice for someone interested in getting started?
Don’t be afraid, you are stronger than you think. This community of people are incredibly supportive and no matter how fast or slow, it only matters that you try. A mile is a mile, no matter how long it takes to get there!

Any other comments or stories you’d like to share?
There is nothing more satisfying than doing things you never thought possible. It is possible, in spite of pain, injuries or even family struggles; it is worth every second when you cross that finish line or even cheering your friends at their finish! I went from 275 lbs and sedentary to 145 lbs and an Ironman!
Stacey’s point about the importance of the people in your life is so true. You are an inspiration! ❤
You have been one of the greatest sources of knowledge for me and my best friend, so important!
i have known you since you was little, little i know what a winner you would be, love you lots, and more lots.
Stacey, I am sooo stinkin’ proud of you!! You are one of my heroes!!
Aww! I love you so much. I am excited to be one of the people that was friends with you before this journey. We are all so very proud of you!
Thanks Serenity ❤. You have definitely watched the entire thing and stuck by my side
My amazing daughter and her amazing journey!! While her journey was a difficult one, her true personality emerged and it was fantastic. I think she basically “found” herself which proves it can be done at any age. So proud of her!
Your so freaking Amazing 👏 😍 💖
Stacey I’ve been following your journey, as you post all the races you do. I find you an amazing person, as I did when we worked together many, many years ago.
I Love you
Such an inspiring soul!
I’m proud I got to run with this chic! 👊🏻
Man, Stacey always told me to chase my dreams and shoot for the stars.
Bravo Stacey!! Courageous and inspirational. Plaudits all deserved.
She is in unbelievable.
Absolutely my hero❤❤